Writing and Development Samples

Learning OpenAPI standards and API Technical Writing
I went through Tom Johnson's OpenAPI course-blog combination and using what I learned, along with using TheMovieDatabase as a basis, I created an OpenAPI document for one of their endpoints.

Creating Accessible Documents in MadCap Flare
I created this document in class to show how to use Flare with accessibility in mind.

Microsoft Word Manual for Computer Engineers
This task-based manual, created in my class "Professional Writing and Technical Communication I" describes useful applications of Microsoft Word with a focus on how computer engineers would use it.

Mock Grant Proposal for Creating an Animation Competition
I wrote this for my class "Introduction to Professional Writing" to gain experience writing grant proposals.

Essay on the Environment's Relationship to Ireland
This was the final paper from my class "Irish Literature."

Essay on how Christianity is Portrayed in Anime
Written in my class "Advanced Academic Writing," I sought to write about a topic many may not be aware of.

Last but not least, this website! I made it.